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enable PHP zip extension in cPanel
Learn how to enable PHP zip extension in cPanel web hosting
How does the DNS Work and How To Edit DNS Records with cPanel
here is an explanation of how DNS work and how can we edit in cPanel.
How to set PHP timezone in cPanel
set PHP timezone in cPanel, You can configure the PHP setting to use your local time zone by setting the date. timezone directive in php.ini.
Create custom ‘error pages’ in cPanel
Error pages display a message to your clients about issues when they try to get to your site. Every issue has its own status code (for example, 404) and error page. The web server directly gives basic error pages
I am getting an 500 error on my site, what should I do?
If you are getting a 500 Internal Server Error on your site, as a rule, this is because of a PHP error/coding error or corrupted .htaccess file.
Change the PHP maximum upload file size limit
This article explains how to change the maximum upload file size for PHP contents by utilizing the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size orders in a .htaccess document.